William Warfield
William Warfield (1920-2002) was an American baritone renowned for his contributions to classical music and African American spirituals. He was best known for his powerful voice and dramatic stage presence. Warfield gained significant acclaim for his portrayal of Porgy in the landmark production of George Gershwin's opera "Porgy and Bess," which he performed in various productions, including the 1942 premiere with the American Negro Theatre. His genre primarily encompassed opera, art song, and spirituals. Warfield also recorded a number of albums that featured spirituals, including "Spirituals," and he was celebrated for his interpretations of works by composers like Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and Harry Burleigh. In addition to his performance career, Warfield was an advocate for civil rights and worked to promote African American culture and music. His impact on music extended beyond performance; he also influenced future generations of singers and musicians through his dedication to preserving and elevating the African